"I would suggest that people considering joining Tony Klinger's course should just go for it. You will learn a great deal from the master himself. It is worth every single penny."
- Sen Monro

Also Available
Our Online Virtual Retreat

Take the time to breathe, write and create.
Discover there are no limits away from the demands of a daily routine.
Wherever you are in the process, we are here to help you move forward and turn your creative dreams into reality!
Tony Klinger Coaching is for you if…
You want finance for your project
You need to create a convincing package
You want to develop your pitching skills
You need an agent
You want professional advisors
You’re working on a feature film, TV pilot or book, or have an idea in development
You have a book and want to turn it into a screenplay and sell it directly to Hollywood
You want to know how to get your screenplay in front of agents and producers
About Us
Award winning producer, filmmaker and author, academic and playwright Tony Klinger founded Tony Klinger Coaching as part of Give-Get-Go,
an organisation in which
GIVE ideas
GET help
GO do it

Passion is Vital…
But of course, you need to draw on the experience of others since the process of developing your project and raising finance is complex and can be frustrating. If you aim to make a living from your ideas and creativity then passion is the fuel for the machine, but it is not the machine.
Pitching all elements of your creative projects is of huge importance.
For instance, what are your marketing and sales strategies?
How do you handle advertising and PR?
You have to be able to communicate effectively and pitch why your project is worthy of consideration and finance.
Tony Klinger Coaching will show you how!
These exclusive, online meetings, are designed to help you create and pitch your projects for Film, Television, Publishing and Agent involvement including, most significantly, finance.

Investors who commission projects
don’t have time to waste.
Learn how to express your requirements clearly, simply and concisely.
But remember your passion -
it's contagious!
We all dream of climbing that next step so that our projects come to life. Perhaps you’ve published a book and wonder how to turn it into a film script.
Seems impossible?
If the answer is NO - make it YES
As you’ll see with these unique coaching sessions, nothing is impossible and we will show you how your words,
your vision, your dream, can make it all the way!
At Tony Klinger Coaching,
Tony Klinger will lead presentations on how to shrug off self-doubts and face the truth, enabling the creation of an action plan to fit you perfectly.
Tony will give live presentations on THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX. He will reveal the challenges of getting your movie made, your book published or your TV show on air. He will offer invaluable insights into these processes. In addition, each attendee will receive live feedback.
At various coaching sessions, creatives will be invited to pitch their projects whilst receiving invaluable and unprecedented insights into this process.
Learn how the industry will respond.
You will have the opportunity to interact and receive feedback about your pitch or on any other aspect of the industry!

This Is Your Time!

Learn From
A Top Industry Mentor!
Online you’ll interact with Tony Klinger. This is when you will receive his undivided attention and ask questions about anything related to your creative area.
Saturday, November 14th, 2020, 8:30am to 2:30pm Pacific time
11.30am to 5.30pm Eastern time
4.30pm to 10.30pm UK time
Please note all times below are UK time
Virtual Retreat Schedule
Level 1
4:30PM - 4:45PM
4:45PM - 5:45PM
5:50PM - 6:50PM
6:55PM - 7:55PM
8:00PM - 9:00PM
7:00PM - 8:00PM
8:00PM - 8:40PM
8:40PM - 9:30PM
9:30PM - 10:30PM
Introduction - Make a great first impression
Research and psychological tests prove you have around 10 seconds to make an impression, good or bad. Let’s make sure it’s great or your project will fail to raise finance. Consequently, you must be prepared, be on time, be sharp and be very well rehearsed.
Live feedback on two pitches.
Tony Klinger advises on why certain pitches work while others don’t, offering invaluable insights into the creative process.
Live feedback on a further two pitches.
Pitching sessions: Four writers will pitch their projects, receiving valuable insights into both the pitching process and how the industry will respond to their projects.
Live feedback on two more pitches.
Q&A: Your chance to ask and receive feedback on your presentations or on any other aspect of the creative industries.
Final words from Tony Klinger Coaching and an opportunity to say your goodbyes.
Remember to adjust for your own timezone

Sounds enticing?
We invite writers, creators, authors, producers of all levels of films, television, books and plays including writers of fiction and non-fiction to apply for an invaluable and productive experience.
Enrolment is exclusive and limited to ensure small group size and maximum access.
You can participate in this stimulating workshop with no travel problems, no expensive hotels. Be comfortable at home while fully virtually engaged.
Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere of your own home with a bona-fide
international producer.